Sunday 24 March 2013



Love Sayings

Love Is When You See Her Crying

First Thing Which Comes To Your


Is To Hide Her

Inside You? "♥

Friday 25 January 2013

Love Sayings

I was getting better. But then I remembered what I was trying to get away from, I remembered the things that tear me apart. Now I am back at the start. 

Sunday 13 January 2013

Love Sayings

Couples who cuddle on a nightly basis are more likely to get married sooner, remain faithful and stay together longer "♥

Love Sayings

Missing someone isn't about the time you've not seen each other but remembering the moments you've shared together & expecting it to happen again. "♥

Love Saying

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. "♥

Love Sayings

Have you ever felt so alone and nothing seems to make sense? well that's how i feel right now. I feel like I'm facing everything by myself with nothing but tears and a fake smile.. "♥

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Simple & Cute Sayings

                                                        S M I L E ......:)

Heart Beats FoR YOu

Missing YOu

                                                     MISSING   YOU .....!!

Love Sayings


The taste of water can be
enjoyed only when we are

Same way, the love of true
persons will be known when we
are alone. 

Love Sayings

True Love


My HeaRT BeatS For You...




Who could Love me i am Out of My Mind


... I Am Amazed by You...



Love Hurts